1. prefix, root and suffix
euphoric means feeling extremely happy, usually for a short time only. And "eu" stands for good, well or something positive. For example, eugenics "genic" stands for gene, so eugenic means the idea that society can be improved by allowing people to become parents only if they are likely to produce healthy and intelligent children.sub- : under eg. subsidize, subway, subject
Subsidize (v.) means to pay some of the cost of goods or services so that they can be sold to other people at a lower price.
ubi- : every eg. ubiquitous
Ubiquitous (adj.) means everywhere.
cap : head eg. caption, capitalism, capital, captial, captain
Caption (n.) means words printed near or on a picture that explain something about the picture.
Capitalism (n.) means an economic system in which property, businesses, and industry are owned by individual people and not by the government.
2. extra information
a. How to learn English quickly→There have four words you need to keep in your mind: meaning, relevance, attention, memory
b. TED: Ted Technology Entertainment Design
How to learn any language in six months
Use your language as a tool to communicate from day 1.
When you understand the message you will acquire the language
Language is not about accumulating a lot of knowledge but is rather a type of physiological training.
Psycho-physiological state matters – you need to be happy, relaxed, and most importantly, you need to be tolerant of ambiguity. Don’t try to understand every detail as it will drive you crazy.
(1) Listen a lot
(2) Get the meaning first
(3) Start mixing
(4) Focus on core
(5) Get a language parents
(6) Copy the face
(7) Direct connect