1. prefix, root and suffix
pre- : before eg. preface, predictcontext "con" stands for with or together
finish "fin" stands for ending eg. final
-cide : kill eg. suicide, pesticide
mortgage "mort" stands for death and "gage" means pledge
(n.)= an agreement under which a person borrows money to buy property, esp a house, and the lender may take possession of the property if the borrower fails to repay the money
eg. mortician, morgue, mortify
2. The World of History
Where do English words come from?
Latin : exit, circus, video
Greek : psychology, telephone, cinema
French : biscuit, garage, restaurant
Italian : piano, concerto, spaghetti
Indian : curry, bungalow, pyjamas
Spanish : guitar, tango, banana
Native American languages : tomato, potato, tabacco
German : hamburger, frankfurter, kindergarten